Despite pandemic, kindly provide us insight about the career opportunity in business analysis and consulting.
Ahamed G. asked a question to Master in Business Analysis and Consulting
Category: Career Advice
Date asked: mercredi, mai 19, 2021
Last reviewed: lundi, mai 31, 2021
Jack H.
Master in Business Analysis & Consulting
Hello Ahamed. IESEG organizes career fairs online and on-campus that allow students to meet with representatives from prospective companies in different fields including Consulting. In this program, students will get to participate in seminars where they meet with consulting experts and work on real-life case studies and projects that would give them on hand experience and an overview of what to expect in a career as a Consultant. Students also have the opportunity to share their resumes and talk about their experiences with company representatives in these seminars and potentially get selected to undergo interviews with their companies. This program opens the door for candidates to build a career in consulting and/or any project management-related business opportunity where analysis, teamwork, and communication are considered vital.
lundi, mai 31, 2021
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