How can I apply for a CROUS housing?
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I was informed that CROUS application starts on July 9th for International Students, however, I find it late to wait until July to ensure my housing since I'm expected to arrive before August 24th to the campus in Lille. What do you recommend? Should I stay a few months in other housing and then move to CROUS? How likely is it to obtain a CROUS housing as an International Student? Thank you in advanced for your response.
Pedro W. asked during the live chat International Student Services at IÉSEG School of Management to IESEG International
Category: General
Date asked: Monday, April 19, 2021
Last reviewed: Monday, April 19, 2021
Damien L.
International Services Coordinator, Lille Campus
Ieseg does not have a partnership with Crous for accommodation. if you want to live in a Crous residence, you have to apply by yourself directly with them.
Monday, April 19, 2021
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