I am from Canada and we have a loan program called OSAP, is IESEG applicable for funding through them?
Additional information
I am looking to applying to the MSc Fashion Management program and am in my last semester of my Bachelors Degree, so if there's any additional advice for getting ready to apply I would love it :)
Celeste Q. asked a question to Master in Fashion Management
Category: Internal career mobility
Date asked: Monday, October 4, 2021
Last reviewed: Tuesday, October 5, 2021
Ana M.
International Promotion and Admissions Coordinator
Hello Celeste,
Yes, IESEG is on the list of recognized foreign universities for OSAP.(https://osap.gov.on.ca/SchoolSearchWeb/search/school_search.xhtml).
Regarding your application, I advise you to gather all the required documents (up-to-date CV, bachelor transcripts, English proficiency test...) and to fill in the motivational questions carefully. In order to prepare your online conversation with the recruiter, you can have a look at the program page on the website and prepare some questions in advance, but most important, relax and be yourself :)
Best of luck with your application !
Tuesday, October 5, 2021
Celeste Q.
Hi Ana,
Perfect, thank you so much for the information! :)
Tuesday, October 5, 2021
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