Picture of Hi,I am from non financial background and how many courses involve mathematics and is it core maths?

Hi,I am from non financial background and how many courses involve mathematics and is it core maths?

2 responses

Nithyadharshini U. asked a question to Master in Banking, Capital Markets and Financial Technology

Category: Qualifications

Date asked: Thursday, December 19, 2019

Last reviewed: Friday, December 27, 2019

Ahmed J.

Head of Strategy (IÉSEG Alumni 2018 - MSc in Investment Banking & Capital Markets)

Basic statistical knowledge is important but the course is designed similar to the CFA curriculum so you while you wont need alot of maths, having an analytical mind is critical

Friday, December 27, 2019

Inês R.

Intern in Audit Efficient Team (IÉSEG Alumni 2017 - MSc in Investment Banking & Capital Markets)

Hello, at lease half of the courses involved maths. The calculation was not very complicated and we used a lot excel to help. But yes, we have dueled with lots of numbers during the program.
What were more important in those courses with maths were the logic, the meaning, and the interpretation behind all the maths.

Friday, December 27, 2019

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